sleeping pill

美 [ˈsliːpɪŋ pɪl]英 [ˈsliːpɪŋ pɪl]
  • n.安眠药

复数: sleeping pills

sleeping pillsleeping pill


a pill containing a drug that helps you to sleep

also BrE also sleeping tablet

sleeping pill


  • 1
    N-COUNT 安眠药
    A sleeping pill is a pill that you can take to help you sleep.


a soporific drug in the form of a pill (or tablet or capsule)
Synonym: sleeping tablet sleeping capsule sleeping draught


  1. " A sleeping pill will target one area of the brain , but there 's never going to be a perfect sleeping pill , because you couldn 't really replicate the different chemicals moving in and out of different parts of the brain to go through the different stages of sleep , " says Dr. Nancy Collop , director of the Emory University Sleep Center .


  2. His wife suffered a hallucination after taking their sleeping pill , Zolpidem .


  3. If you 're traveling at night , maybe also ask your doctor about a sleeping pill to help you adjust your clock .


  4. N : I 'll go and get you some cough mixture ( a sleeping pill , a laxative , a tranquilizer , a pain-killer ) .
